Product Option Image PRO
The module allows to assign images to product option values (1 or more images per product option value) and display (show/hide) the option images on the product page in the customer section depending on selected options.
Standard opencart allows to set option images only globally (to option values on the option edit page). The module allows to set product specific images for options on the product edit page.
The first possible way is to assign images for option values (on the product edit page tab "Option"). This way is good if every option value has its own images (no intersection with images of other options).
The second possible method is to link option values to images (on the product edit page tab "Image"). This method is good in cases when the same images should be using for different option values.
On the product page in the customer section the module allows to change the main product image and the list of additional product images accordingly to selected option values.

Additionally it allows to use product specific option thumbnails (instead of common option images).

If images are linked with different options, the module allows to not only update the product image and the list of additional images accordingly to both selected options, but also appropriately update option thumbnails.
The module works not on the product page only, but for product lists too. It allows to display product option images besides the main product image and change the main image on mouse over additional image. Furthermore, by click on an option thumb, the module opens the product page with the appropriate option selected.
The similar way the module allows to change the main product image on mouse over an additional image on the product page in the customer section.
In addiition Product Option Image PRO allows to display appropriate product images on the shopping cart page (relevant to the selected options).
Most of the module functions are optional and probably the greatest feature of the module is the possibility to control the functions not only globally (on the setting page of the module), but also set separate settings per option (on option edit page) and, furthermore, individual - per product option (on the product edit page).
A simple XLS import/export feature is also located on the setting page of the module, it allows to import/export product option option images using XLS files. The synchronization is based on identifiers of option values (option_value_id, but not product_option_value_id).